6 Healing Sounds of Tao & Klangreise
Learn the 6 sounds that regulate Qi (energy, prana, life force) in your organs.
Traditional Chinese Medicine sees the connection between emotions and physical health. Different emotions are connected to different organs. when certain emotions are suppressed or undigested, they became stuck energy stored in the organs and causing the organ to be out of its natural, healthy state.
This thousand-year-old technique developed by Taoist masters help us to digest stuck energy/emotion in the organs and facilitate our well-being.
In this workshop, we will:
- learn from traditional Chinese Medicine’s perspective how different emotions are stored in each organs
- learn the simple yet powerful technique which you can practice everyday in your life
- release stuck energy / emotions with the sounds and invite positive energy into your organs
- tone together and breathe deeper
- enjoy a sound bath with various instruments such as metal singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, drum, koshi chimes, tongue drums..
You will walk away:
- with more awareness in your body feeling and emotions
- with basic understanding of the correlation between your organs and emotions, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective
- with 6 healing sounds practice that you can practice every day in your life
- with more calmness, balance and relaxation
Time: 22 April 16:00-18:00
Location: Casa Ashtanga Yoga Studio (Könneritzstraße 88, 04229 Leipzig)
Fee: 30 euro
Early bird: 25 euro registered before 7 April
Sign-up: https://mailchi.mp/yin-resonanz/6sounds